Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Chaos In Your Chest

There is a war in your chest
The bombs bust, and the guns fire
The barricade mutes the noise
So they only echo as deep thuds.

 And as I hold my hands to your back
With my head on your chest
And my ears kissing your cotton shirt
I can hear it, the war in your chest

I can hear struggle, a constant chaos
And in that thumping I could hear laughter 
A child's laugh, ringing though your ribs
Why would there be laughter in war?

I heard a squeal, a trembling stretch
And the burst and the fizz, of a bomb?
No- I was wrong- Fireworks!
They are fireworks- bursting brightly

And Now that I know, I can see them
Other signs in proof to prove my secret
I see one in my most secret place of safety 
In your eyes, as a fizzling sparkler.

-Amber of HMWW

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