Saturday, November 30, 2013

Do You Love Me Or Not?

Please let me go.

My mind is tormenting me to no end.

Please let me know.

So I can figure what to do.

Why do you keep staring at me?

Are you falling back in love again?

Why do you always visit me?

Am I really worth that much of your time?

Why am I no longer allowed to hug?

I hug my friends…aren't you a friend?

Why are you so mad at me when I don't budge?

"I'm fine" because I can't reveal the truth to you.

Please tell me the truth.

You're killing me otherwise.

I can't take anything without proof.

So tell me, do you love me or not?

A beautiful submission by Eric Tracey from the USA. 

Leave some feedback below for our fellow poet!
Check out Eric's DA profile as SuperSonix07HERE 
Also check out the original post: HERE 
(And don't forget to share your poetry with us on the top right of the blog! *Make sure to become a member first to verify your submission!*) Thanks again for the awesome submission Eric!

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